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Avram Muñoz, PhD

Assistant Professor of Political Science
Program Head of Political Science
Main Building, Room 202C

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of Expertise

I teach courses that cover a variety of topics in U.S. national politics, including political institutions, race and ethnic politics, constitutional law, and state politics. My research focuses on the effects of race on representation in the U.S. Congress, with particular attention given to Latino/as in Congress and the role they play in representing the diverse perspectives of the Latino/a population. I also have interests in factors that shape the formulation and implementation of public policy by both state and national governments.

Teaching Philosophy

In my classes, I emphasize student involvement and active learning with a focus on getting students to consider the variety of views and experiences that exist in U.S. politics. I see immense value in having students debate positions with which they are unfamiliar or that they personally disagree with, and push students to consider how we can have critical discussions about political concepts and events in a way that deepens our understanding without venturing into hostility. I want to ensure that students are able to actively shape their classroom experience, and get the most possible out of any of my classes.

Outside Interests

Outside of teaching and research, I spend as much time as I can not thinking about politics. In my free time I spend time with my family, watch Spurs games, play chess, build with Legos, and constantly add to the stack of books that I will eventually, maybe read at some point in the future.


Avram Muñoz



  • American Political Science Association (APSA)
  • APSA Latino Caucus
  • Western Political Science Association


  • PhD - Political Science, University of Minnesota
  • Master of Arts - Political Science, University of Minnesota
  • Bachelor of Arts - Political Science and Philosophy, University of Southern California


